Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Getting your DNA into gedmatch

There are many companies that you can get your DNA processed with for genetic genealogy purposes. The big three are 23andme, ftdna and ancestry.  Once you have your DNA done on one of those sites (or others), you can use the tools on that site to 'match' with other users of that same site.  

However, the potential genealogy discoveries you can make are limited to the tools (and quality) that site offers as well as the people who have chosen to get their DNA processed by that site.  For a fee, FTDNA and ancestry both give you the option to import DNA from other sites, so many people choose to download their DNA data from the original site and import it into other sites.  This gives you a broader toolset to use as well as more potential matches. 

If only there were a site that were free, had a huge toolset and a huge user base!  Enter gedmatch.  Gedmatch does have paid tiers to support the site but there is a whole lot you can do without paying anything, and users from all of the big three, plus other sites have uploaded their DNA there, giving you a much larger and more diverse user base to test against.